1. How much is shipping/delivery?
    Our prices include free shipping. This is for standard shipping rates. If you require an item urgently, please contact us and we'll see if another method is available.
  2. How long are shipping times?
    Your products will leave the warehouse within 1-3 days of your order, and can then take 10-20 days to reach you. (Please be patient during these uncertain times – shipping delays along the way could cause longer delivery times.)
  3. What's your return policy?
    We have a 100% money back guarantee.  However, instead of returning items, please contact us first to request a refund.
    Why? Returns run counter to our emphasis on sustainability; every return has a carbon footprint. So just tell us what went wrong, send along a pic, and we’ll give you your money back. Then, you can choose to donate your product to a local charity or recycle it.
  4. Can I cancel my order?
    Cancellations are only possible if the product has not yet been shipped. Sometimes orders get sent out before we can process the cancellation. So, if you cancel your order but still receive the package, then please go ahead and do one of three things: recycle it, donate it, or enjoy it.
  5. What happens if I receive the wrong item?
    If there’s an issue with your order -- if it’s the wrong size, defective, or otherwise not exactly what you ordered -- then simply notify us, and we’ll give you a refund.
  6. Do you offer exchanges?
    We do not offer exchanges. However, if for any reason you didn’t get the exact product you expected, just let us know and we’ll work with you to provide a suitable solution.
  7. And so ...  please be mindful when adding items to your cart.  Read all the product descriptions, sizes, colours and take your time when making your selections.  Check that you've given us the correct address and email (no typo's).  We value your order and the last thing we want is for you to receive the wrong item, or not receive it at all.
  8. How can I contact you?
    The best way is to complete our "Contact Us" form.  Alternatively, email us at info@elegantquirky.com and we'll respond as soon as possible.